Dec 12, 2011

Thrifty, Handmade, Strange and Beautiful: gifting without going to target

This year I am making an effort to avoid the monsters, Target and Best Buy and all of their competitors at all costs, not a single gift for a single person! Here is my "something for everyone" gift guide, the thrifty, handmade, strange and beautiful!
Thrifty: the pictures across the top are adorable and cheap! The vintage set is $20 and the needle point geisha is $12, all mirrors in the collage from $5-$12. Handmade is 90% of the jewelry in the shop, rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets all by local talent! The Strange, well take your pick. Mine is the cowgirl lamp, which is about one of my fav items in the shop, or the sweet little Angels, own the trio for $12! Beautiful is the ornate picture frame ($10) front and center and all of the 1930'-60's lighters ($12-$24) on the top shelf. They are these beautifully crafted, functional sculptures!
Thrifty, I have a slight salt n pepper obsession, many more than what is displayed here! Anyways, all of these amazing and collectible sets weigh in under $12/set, The silver breadbox on the left is incredible! ($22) The top 4 drawers house, flour, sugar, brown sugar and coffee! Handmade, are the knit pot holders, ($10) for the 8 piece set as well as the gorgeous aprons hanging off the stove ($4-$8each) Strange, hard to tell by this photo, but the little black guy on the right side, is a dog flask, looks like a poodle/schnauzer mix, he has 6 little cups hanging from his back! strange and amazing! Beautiful, in my opinion is the mixmaster blender with the fire king bowl, olive color, vintage and perfect condition!
Thrifty, is the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the adorable tea bag holder, both clock in under $5. Handmade, are the gorgeous pitchers, hand woven 1950's Guatemala. The Strange and awesome is the old man Bourbon flask! Tell me who wouldn't be tickled to open this guy up! Beautiful is the retro clock in the upper right, working condition, and awesome sunburst pattern!  
Thrifty is the any of the books shown including but not limited to copies of Dark Shadows, how to disco dance, how to disco dress and the John Travolta Scrapbook all between $2-$10 each. Handmade and slightly creepy and/or awesome depending on your opinion on this type of thing, the marionettes! The one on the right was made by a neighbors mother while she was in high school in the 1930's!!! Strange is the 70's odd bird piggy bank, collectible, from first national bank. Beautiful is the vintage typewriter, Smith Corona, baby blue with a gorgeous patterned hard case.

*special thanks to Malia Schroeder of Junk Love for providing the pictures for this guide! Hope this helps generate some thrifty and original gift ideas! Happy Holidays!!!

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