Dec 28, 2011

A Flash In The Pan: Au Revoir 2011

As 2011 comes to a close, Hill-Valley is coming up on it's 8th month open! This has been such an insane year- busy and wonderful and terrifying all in the same breath. One of the best and unexpected elements of opening the doors has been the fast growing network of creative people that want to be involved with the shop! So many new and amazing friends and ridiculous amounts of fun being had here! These are a few of my fav Hill-Valley pictures. 
Black Metal Swan
We got an in-house tailor and started carrying restructured vintage!  Thanks to Carrie at In Love Again
As if the photo wasn't already amazing, Annie, the musical was blasting in the background. 

Hill-Valley, days old!

It's funny how things work out, or don't work out, and just how much happens in a year! Really looking forward to Hill-Valley cutting teeth in 2012. Stay tuned!

Dec 19, 2011


I don't know about you but this time of year gets me all kinds of excited.  Wait wait, let me rephrase that - This time of year gets me all kinds of freaked out!!  What to wear? Who to shop for? What TO BUY these said people I choose to shop for!!? Mostly I just just want to crawl into a pair of frumpy pajama pants with my coziest scarf, throw on a marathon of 30 Rock, and down a few bottles of Italy's finest vino - all in front of my Duraflame blasting fireplace.  What?  I'm certain half ya'll feel the same!!

 Unfortunately, as much as these things may be well and true, this is an impossible scenario.  So, this is the point when I fill you in on a little stress saving secret..... Hill Valley Boutique has been the primary source for maintaining my sanity this holiday season.  It's a one stop shop for the rug rats, the rat packs, and even the hip grandmas that still sport the velvety hats.  (yeah, rhymes are cool, what.) Swing in TODAY and take a gander at our stunning selection of unique one-of-a-kind and handmade gifts that will be sure to please everyone on your Christmas list.  And hell, pick yourself up something nice - you'll thank me for it!

Just another tasty treat from the gang at Hill Valley Boutique! 

Dec 14, 2011

The Fashion Forecast for 2000 A.D.

I recently stumbled on this amazing video from the 1930's, featuring interpretations of what fashion might look like in the distant year of 2000 A.D. Keep your eyes peeled for the ultra-sensible head lamp.. (-My d.i.y Christmas gift for everyone this year)

My only question is, where did we drop the ball?..

Dec 12, 2011

Thrifty, Handmade, Strange and Beautiful: gifting without going to target

This year I am making an effort to avoid the monsters, Target and Best Buy and all of their competitors at all costs, not a single gift for a single person! Here is my "something for everyone" gift guide, the thrifty, handmade, strange and beautiful!
Thrifty: the pictures across the top are adorable and cheap! The vintage set is $20 and the needle point geisha is $12, all mirrors in the collage from $5-$12. Handmade is 90% of the jewelry in the shop, rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets all by local talent! The Strange, well take your pick. Mine is the cowgirl lamp, which is about one of my fav items in the shop, or the sweet little Angels, own the trio for $12! Beautiful is the ornate picture frame ($10) front and center and all of the 1930'-60's lighters ($12-$24) on the top shelf. They are these beautifully crafted, functional sculptures!
Thrifty, I have a slight salt n pepper obsession, many more than what is displayed here! Anyways, all of these amazing and collectible sets weigh in under $12/set, The silver breadbox on the left is incredible! ($22) The top 4 drawers house, flour, sugar, brown sugar and coffee! Handmade, are the knit pot holders, ($10) for the 8 piece set as well as the gorgeous aprons hanging off the stove ($4-$8each) Strange, hard to tell by this photo, but the little black guy on the right side, is a dog flask, looks like a poodle/schnauzer mix, he has 6 little cups hanging from his back! strange and amazing! Beautiful, in my opinion is the mixmaster blender with the fire king bowl, olive color, vintage and perfect condition!
Thrifty, is the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the adorable tea bag holder, both clock in under $5. Handmade, are the gorgeous pitchers, hand woven 1950's Guatemala. The Strange and awesome is the old man Bourbon flask! Tell me who wouldn't be tickled to open this guy up! Beautiful is the retro clock in the upper right, working condition, and awesome sunburst pattern!  
Thrifty is the any of the books shown including but not limited to copies of Dark Shadows, how to disco dance, how to disco dress and the John Travolta Scrapbook all between $2-$10 each. Handmade and slightly creepy and/or awesome depending on your opinion on this type of thing, the marionettes! The one on the right was made by a neighbors mother while she was in high school in the 1930's!!! Strange is the 70's odd bird piggy bank, collectible, from first national bank. Beautiful is the vintage typewriter, Smith Corona, baby blue with a gorgeous patterned hard case.

*special thanks to Malia Schroeder of Junk Love for providing the pictures for this guide! Hope this helps generate some thrifty and original gift ideas! Happy Holidays!!!

Nov 28, 2011

Eliza's Chrissmiss Wisshlisst ($20 and Under)

I don't know about you, but somehow I got completely taken with the holiday ghost this year and have caught myself Martha Stewarting all over the place. Besides putting up our tree well before Thanksgiving (in defense, we were moving furniture and frankly, the festive plastic fir tied the room together), I've already started plotting Christmas and am the proud mother of a wishlist of amazing goodies that can be found in Hill-Valley for, get this...under 20 bones

Carousel earrings made by Larissa Loden (actually rotates) -$20

 Windmill earrings by Larissa Loden -$20

Vintage Shoulder Bag -$14

charming locally-made gold stone bracelet -$12

Vintage men's chambray button-up -$14 

(-modern fit, no boxy vintage here!)

 Men's vintage print button-up -$12

I'm in love with the pattern..

Cute oversized/handmade salt and pepper shakers (great for those hard to please friends who demand some form of gift because they invite you to their boring christmas parties.. They probably collect salt and pepper shakers anyways, so this is perfect.) village green red wing, very collectible! $12

Spread some holiday cheer with this locally made necklace by Inna Royzenfeld-$30
-Clearly not $20 but..............(see picture)

Stay tuned for when I reveal my indulgent $50 list for all richie riches out there.. 

Oct 28, 2011

Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home

So we had a party, and naturally looked to Emily Post for guidance:
"Years ago few balls were given without terrapin, and a supper without champagne was as unheard of. In fact, champagne was the heaviest item of expenditure always. Decorations might be very limited, but champagne was as essential as music!"  -Emily Post
"The extreme reverse of a “smart” Boston ball is one—no matter where—which has a roomful of people who deport themselves abominably, who greet each other by waving their arms aloft, who dance like Apaches or jiggling music-box figures, and who scarcely suggest an assemblage of even decent—let alone well-bred—people." -Emily Post
"With perfect music the success of a ball is more than three-quarters assured; without it, the most beautiful decorations and most delicious supper are as flat as a fallen soufflé. You cannot give a ball or a dance that is anything but a dull promenade if you have dull music." -Emily Post
 "When a gentleman is introduced to a lady he says, “May I have some of this?” or “Would you care to dance?”" -Emily Post

"When she is no longer receiving, the hostess is free to talk with her friends and give her attention to the roomful of young people who are actually in her charge.  45
  When her guests leave she does not go back to where she received, but stands wherever she happens to be, shakes hands and says Good night" -Emily Post